Saturday 29 June 2013

Live Pink Victoria's Secret- Crushed Berries Perfume Review

Hi there

It's been a long time since I last wrote a blog due to many reasons but now I am back and will be writing regularly! YES!

A couple of days ago I decided a long awaited shopping trip was needed. In one of my various shopping bags was a bottle of perfume from Victoria's Secret. I'll tell you that I have never been in this store before (I never really understood what was special about it) but I have to be honest that once you get in this store you never want to leave because it is beautiful! What made this store even better was that there was a MASSIVE SALE! I do love a sale ;)

From the sale I got myself a black Victoria's Secret Hoodie and a crushed berries scented perfume:

I love this perfume! This perfume definitely smells like summer! It is vibrant and young. It does not have a strong sweet smell which is perfect for me as I am not keen on really sweet smelling perfumes... they just hurt my head! I just love this scent, just the name of 'crushed berries' gets me excited about summer (I see myself relaxing by the pool or going on a camping adventure). It is sweet without being too sugary and it is light which is perfect for everyday use. Also I have to say that it is really fun and youthful.
Once I have finished the bottle I am definitely buying another!

Bye gals x