Thursday 4 April 2013

Social media

Hey there Internet!

So I thought about what my first blog would be about and decided to base it on social media and how people, mainly teenagers perceive it. I only use two social medias on a regular basis to be honest. I am not the sort of person who posts pictures and waits for the likes to come rolling in to feel a sense of "achievement" (what's the point in that?!)
But yes of course it is perfectly fine for people to post photos  and not with that intention...

I dislike people who constantly change their profile picture every week. It is not as if your beautiful looks have changed suddenly in a couple of days! We have become so obsessed in society of becoming popular based on what we post on social media, whether it is to gain as many followers on Twitter or how many people "like" a status. It may be a happy feeling that you gain at first but later on in life you will realise how unnecessary it was to stare at your computer screen waiting for people to like your profile picture. I never used to be the person who did this but once I got Twitter I thought that I'd have a decent number of followers all at once. It had only been a couple of days and I didn't have as many followers that I wanted to. I didn't realised that it does take time for this to happen and not overnight (silly me!). I had a negative mind set about the lack of "virtual" followers. Of course that was silly and I do have many good friends in the real world.

My point is that society has changed a great deal and social media has changed the way we perceive people in general. I shouldn't and won't let this bother me, because to be honest there are bigger things in this world that are an issue! Nonetheless girls and boys do not understand this and that the real world does exist to take every opportunity to seize the day.
Yes, I am like everyone else using the Internet on a daily basis but I want to control the Internet, not let it control me. 

Rant over, and thanks for reading!
Please let me know what your opinion is on this topic.


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