Friday 26 April 2013

Things that couples do that annoy me

Hey there wonderful people who are reading my blog right NOW!

How you doing?

Today I'd like to talk about people in relationships but the things that they do in public that just annoy me. Yes I'm sure that most people have normal relationships but there are a few exceptions.... So this is why I am here to tell you what couples do that annoy me!

1. The "I Like Your Face" Couple

So you like to go out with your boyfriend/girlfriend in public, that's great, but do you think that it is necessary to eat each other's faces in public?? Is that necessary... please for society go home and lock the door, NO ONE wants to see that. TRUST

2. The Slow Walking Couple

I have to say when you are in a rush it is not ideal to have two tortoises right in front of you. Why do slow couples walk soooo slowly together? Are they enjoying the scenary too much? Do they think that they are in a rom-com film where it's just the two of them? They just don't understand that there are people behind them who would like to get home before midnight.

3. The Inside Joke Couple

It isn't much fun listening to a joke that doesn't concern you. They will still tell you the inside joke and they will laugh and you're just there.... trying to laugh on the outside... but acutally crying inside.

4. The "We Need To Find You A Boyfriend/Girlfriend Because We Are SO Happy Together" Couple 

Is it just me but when your friend is in a relationship are in their own dream world they suddenly think that you are unhappy because you are not in a relationship yourself. They would just tell you "Aww why don't you have a boyfriend? It's ok we have someone in mind!" Ummmm no thanks, I'm single and ready for a pringle.

5. The "I Love My Boyfriend/Girlfriend So I Will Constantly Tweet About It" Couple

Fair enough you're in a relationship and tweet about how great of a person they are. Truly I am happy for you but when you tweet EVERYDAY it's either he/she is deliberately posting these tweets on your twitter account OR that you need to leave Twitter to stop updating your feelings about him/her to stop annoying innocent people. We really don't want to know every day how much you love them, just tell it to their faces. We believed you when you said you loved him/her the first time.

So I hope you enjoyed this blog post. I really am a happy person even after that rant haha

Have a lovely day


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