Thursday 23 May 2013


It's normal for people to feel tired, be it studying for exams or waking up late. But when you have something to do, when you're tired all you want to do is sleep! That is not what you want!!
I know exactly this feeling and I know that this blog post will not only help students study for exams but also for people who just want to feel more awake in the morning. I have done many of these things and really think that it keeps me alert when needed.

1. Splash cold water on your face (minus the cat)

This has to be COLD water, not lukewarm. The cold water will make your face more sensitive and you will how awake you are afterwards. I have to say it's very refreshing too! Just do this a couple of times and you will feel perky afterwards.

2. Place spoons on your eyes

When you just want a "perk-me-up", place two metallic spoons in the freezer overnight. In the morning before you have to leave gently place the spoon over your eyelids. This is really refreshing and it definitely has a quicker effect than coffee! Simply press it on your eyes for at least 30 seconds.
3.  5 minute face mask
I have to say that this product is fantastic! Made from avocado and goji berry, you simply put the mask on your face for 5 minutes and then just wash it off. Once off, your skin feels fresh and smooth and you will feel more alert because you are looking and feeling beau-ti-ful!!
4. Fresh air
A change of scenary helps a gret deal in feeling less tired. Just walking in your back-garden or walking around your neighbourhood can make you feel awake by taking in fresh air. This is especially useful for students.
5. Crazy dancing
I love this method of staying awake!! I just put an upbeat song and just dance CRAZILY! Just make sure no one's around and just enjoy the moment of being you. By just moving you will feel very happy! If you've seen Easy A you will know how much energy you can actually get from one song!
So there you have it! My 5 easy ways of feeling more awake. I hope that helped you out.

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