Friday 24 May 2013


The first time I walked into Abercrombie and Fitch, I knew that would be the last time as well. There was nothing special and all I could see were skinny teenage girls walking around and picking tacky t-shirts. I really didn’t see the “hype” about this clothes brand when people wore A&F hoodies. I’m sure you have read or heard Mike Jeffries comments (CEO of Abercrombie and Fitch) about the store’s refusal to sell any sizes bigger than a large and only wanting the “All-American kid with a great attitude and a lot of friends” to represent the brand. All I can say is have you seen what he looks like?!

Come on now, does this man own a mirror?

Many teenagers these days have issues with their weight and it is all down to the media. Magazines have pictures of celebrities and I have to say all of them are skinny. But that’s just a small percentage of the big wide world. It doesn’t matter what size you are; as long as you are happy and healthy that is all that counts. The best way to stand out is to stop trying to fit in. Wouldn’t it be boring walking down the street and everyone looks the same?

Why would you want to buy clothes from a shop that judges you by your looks when you walk in? We go after the cool kids," is what he quoted about the brand. "A lot of people don't belong, and they can't belong. Are we exclusionary? Absolutely." He may have ‘apologised’ but we know it wasn’t sincere.


1 comment:

  1. lol...does this man look into a mirror????

    Just lol

    Keep up the good work! Blog is looking great!

