Wednesday 8 May 2013


Life is not like a movie.

Life is much more intense and it is hard to make the right decision when necessary. The main character of a film always has his/her bestfriend to count on in times of trouble.
But that's not always the case in real life. Us normal people deal with far more.

I believe that once you get older you face more problems; be it in a relationship, at home, at school etc. and you just want a friend to talk to and brighten your day knowing that everything will be alright.

Sometimes that is not always the case and it is hard to trust a person and knowing how they will react.... Do they understand what I am going through? Will they tell anyone?
I had a dilemna this week and all I wanted was to talk to a friend and feel better but in return they didn't see the "real" me and know straightway that something wasn't right. You must think that I don't have friends; I do (honest!) , but not that ONE friend to tell everything to. It's hard to know whether they will understand.

I believe that in times of trouble you will know who your true friends are and who you can trust in this world. I have definitely seen that. And once you know who they are, keep them close. However if you are feeling down and thinking that I have no one to talk to.... You do, they are just there in disguise. Your friends at school may not be the friends that you thought they would be but understand that this is a small part of your life and you will have many friends in YOUR future. It doesn't mean that people you meet will be your friends for life, you have your whole life infront of you to meet new people that understand 'you for you'.

So you may feel betrayed, lost or angry at people but understand that it WILL get better. Maybe not tomorrow, or the day after that, but it will. Trust. Life is all about dealing with different emotions and the way you deal with them. You don't have to please everyone, it is their loss for not wanting to know the real you. All of us in our lifetime will truly know who our true friends are when the time is right.

Have a beautiful day and smile


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