Sunday 28 July 2013

Favourite Songs of the Month ~ July 2013


I have been listening to a range of songs this month and thought I'd share it with you!

1. One Direction- Best Song Ever

If you don't already know this I am a fan of One Direction. Having gone to their concerts in January was a great way to de-stress after my exams. I was very excited to hear the new song and even though some of their songs are a bit cheesy this one is VERY upbeat. I love the video and it just cheers me up. Those boys are 'cute as a button' (any directioner know who said that in the video??)

I have had this song on repeat most of this week which could have helped break the record on YouTube!!!

2. Brandon and Leah- Life Happens
This is a beautiful song and gets me in a holiday mood. When I listen to this song I just think about sitting on a beach (on a tropical island) and forgetting all your problems at home.
It is such a cheerful song!! We may come across obstacles in our lifetime but we should overcome then because 'life happens'.
3. Miley Cyrus- We Can't Stop
A lot of criticism has been made about this video and to be honest I was shocked when I saw it for the first time. I thought to myself: What happened Hannah Montana?!?!!
But you know what people grow up and they change. And I think this is what Miley wanted to show her fans. Honestly I prefer the song than the video but overall it is such a catchy song and when I first heard it, it stayed in my head for so long! She really sends a message to everyone to have fun while you're still young and enjoy every moment of it which I love!!
Everytime I hear the song I want to go on an adventure. Is that just me?
 So what do you think? Are these songs one of your July faves or are there others? Do let me know because I would love to know, honest.
Thanks for reading. Please click the like button and follow button, I would be so happy!

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