Monday 1 July 2013

There's more to life than technology

You are probably reading this blog post on your laptop, computer, tablet or phone... am I right?

I have written a blog post on social media but this is slightly different. Today I'd like to talk about technology as a whole and how much it of an impact it makes on our everyday lives. I'm not saying technology is at all bad, it has been used for scientific research to save lives and to improve people's lives; but I think that we rely on technology too much nowadays.

Technology definitely affects my life. I wake up in the morning and I check my emails, news on my phone that is next to me. Is that just me? I am constantly on YouTube, Facebook and Twitter even though there is nothing of importance on these sites. We are in our own little world with our phones and tablets, just today I was on the train to meet a friend and surrounding me were people on their phones. Ok, I'm not saying we should all talk to one another in a circle but it would be nice if they read a book or just enjoyed the surroundings. What do you think?

We are constantly surrounded by technology and have the need and desire to get the latest phone model. Does it really make you happy if you buy the iPhone 6? What I am trying to say is that people were happy before technology really developed. Honestly I think that technology can affect a persons' mental and physical health. Insomnia, aggression, obesity and depression are a few effects of constant use of technology.

So what can we all do to overcome this addiction? :

1. Before picking up any technological device say to yourself: "Do I really need to use it? Will it benefit me?"

2. Cut down the amount of time you use a device. I am going to give myself an hour max to do what I need to do with regularly breaks. I really don't need to spend so much time on my phone

3.  People seem to forget that there is a real world out there. Yes it might be scary but you have to enjoy what you have. Put that phone down and socialise with real-life people by going out for a meal or go for a walk in the park. Anything really to enjoy what really is there. Life is short. Enjoy every bit of it.

So there you have it. I hope I helped you realise that sometimes we don't always need to rely on technology

See you next time x

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