Monday 30 September 2013

~Movie Night~


So I have been going out very often these days and today I just thought to myself I need to relax and just chill. There are days when you just have to relax and you don't have to go out because other people are going out, you know where you want to go that makes you feel comfortable. 
So tonight I am planning a movie night with my friends and they are coming round to eat junk food and just take a break from the outside world... one night won't hurt right? 
When it comes to movie nights, I either pick comedy films or rom-coms; you want a light-hearted film before you go to bed rather than a horror film that will make you uneasy for the whole night. Well that's just my opinion. I love just snuggling up in my duvet and just forget that I have things to do. I love watching the lives of others and seeing how truly different we all are in so many ways. I am looking forward to tonight and it will energise me for the long nights ahead of socialising!!

Would you recommend any films to watch? 

Bye! x

Saturday 10 August 2013

Motivational Quote

Hello! I haven't written a blog in a while and I honestly I don't know why I haven't.... anyways I thought I'd write a motivational quote post because after reading this quote I thought I could relate to it and perhaps some of you also do. It's plain and simple that we control our emotions, we don't have to remain sad or angry. We can easily change how we feel by just thinking in a positive way. And yes, IT'S THAT SIMPLE!

That's all really!

Bye x

Sunday 28 July 2013

Favourite Songs of the Month ~ July 2013


I have been listening to a range of songs this month and thought I'd share it with you!

1. One Direction- Best Song Ever

If you don't already know this I am a fan of One Direction. Having gone to their concerts in January was a great way to de-stress after my exams. I was very excited to hear the new song and even though some of their songs are a bit cheesy this one is VERY upbeat. I love the video and it just cheers me up. Those boys are 'cute as a button' (any directioner know who said that in the video??)

I have had this song on repeat most of this week which could have helped break the record on YouTube!!!

2. Brandon and Leah- Life Happens
This is a beautiful song and gets me in a holiday mood. When I listen to this song I just think about sitting on a beach (on a tropical island) and forgetting all your problems at home.
It is such a cheerful song!! We may come across obstacles in our lifetime but we should overcome then because 'life happens'.
3. Miley Cyrus- We Can't Stop
A lot of criticism has been made about this video and to be honest I was shocked when I saw it for the first time. I thought to myself: What happened Hannah Montana?!?!!
But you know what people grow up and they change. And I think this is what Miley wanted to show her fans. Honestly I prefer the song than the video but overall it is such a catchy song and when I first heard it, it stayed in my head for so long! She really sends a message to everyone to have fun while you're still young and enjoy every moment of it which I love!!
Everytime I hear the song I want to go on an adventure. Is that just me?
 So what do you think? Are these songs one of your July faves or are there others? Do let me know because I would love to know, honest.
Thanks for reading. Please click the like button and follow button, I would be so happy!

Wednesday 24 July 2013

Accessorize 4D nails

I received this nail art kit as a gift a couple of days ago.
This is my first attempt. I love that it sparkles! What do you think?
I was so excited to try it out because I had heard a lot about it. Otherwise known as ‘caviar nails’ I tried it out and I think that it’s an amazing product. I love products from Accessorize, be it jewellery or bags. Now I’m in love with their nail varnish. I am definitely going to get more of these nail art products.

It’s very simple to use. You use the nail varnish that comes with it and apply two coats. However once the second coat is still wet apply the little gems onto your nails by just tapping it on your nail or dip it in a container containing the beads. It is so easy to apply and just leave it a while to dry and apply a top coat.

It has lasted a long time on my nails and it gives such an awesome texture. I love the feeling of it and it looks like little sparkling gems. It truly gives a 4D effect.

I am truly a nail art enthusiast and probably change the pattern on my nails perhaps once a week. I am definitely going to incorporate this product!!

You should definitely buy these if you love nail art or you want this easy and fantastic nail effect!

Let me know what you think about it! +Accessorize 

Bye x

Thursday 18 July 2013

Revlon Just Bitten Lipstain and Balm Review


For a while I’ve been looking for a good lipstain for the summer and at my local drugstore I found many varieties but I decided to get the Revlon Just Bitten Lipstain and Balm.

I have to say that I am loving the product so far and would love to give you some pros and cons to help you out if you were thinking of getting it! Here it goes:

Firstly I have to say there are more pros than cons! The smell of the lipstain is a peppermint smell which was surprising as I thought it would be more berry smelling but to be honest once it’s on your lips you can’t smell a thing.

I bought the Beloved/Adoration colour and I think that’s my favourite as it is a natural colour which is perfect for everyday use as well as going out.


·         Easy application: Once you put it on your lips it feels like a balm. Make sure you moisturise your lips first with the balm from Revlon or your preferred balm to prevent dry lips later on.

·         Amazing stain power: if like me when you want a lipstain, you actually want it to stain your lips instead of fading very quickly. This lipstain is fantastic! It practically lasts for the whole day (but may vary depending on what you eat or whatever you do with your lips!).

·         Fantastic pigmentation: there’s no need to have many layers of the lipstain on your lips. Just Bitten has great layering.

·         No taste to it: You practically forget that you have it on your lips because it feels light and you don’t have that chemical smell to it

·         It truly is kissable!


·         Not retractable- You don’t know how much product actually is in there

·         Make sure when you use the balm and place the top back on, do it gently because you might chop the balm off which wouldn’t be good!

 Hope you liked this blogpost!

#Revlon #RevlonJustBitten

Bye x


Thursday 4 July 2013

Summer Nail Art Ideas

So if I'm not mistaken we are in the summer season and hopefully the sun is shining wherever you are. I love summer and I am a big fan of nail art designs and I thought that we could combine the two to have funky nails this summer! I'll show you a few designs that I found online that you could try out. Some are easier than others but in the end they will all look amazing!!
What you need:
  • A base coat (optional but I always use it because it protects my nails)
  • Specific nail varnish colour
  • Top coat (once again this is optional but by putting on the top coat it makes your design stay on for longer for you to admire!)
  • Nail art pens (you can get these at any drugstores, these are great for detailed patterns on your beautiful nails)
Feel free to try these out and if you want you can send me pictures of your great designs!

Have a great day! x

#NailArtJunkie #Summer #ExpressYourself

Monday 1 July 2013

There's more to life than technology

You are probably reading this blog post on your laptop, computer, tablet or phone... am I right?

I have written a blog post on social media but this is slightly different. Today I'd like to talk about technology as a whole and how much it of an impact it makes on our everyday lives. I'm not saying technology is at all bad, it has been used for scientific research to save lives and to improve people's lives; but I think that we rely on technology too much nowadays.

Technology definitely affects my life. I wake up in the morning and I check my emails, news on my phone that is next to me. Is that just me? I am constantly on YouTube, Facebook and Twitter even though there is nothing of importance on these sites. We are in our own little world with our phones and tablets, just today I was on the train to meet a friend and surrounding me were people on their phones. Ok, I'm not saying we should all talk to one another in a circle but it would be nice if they read a book or just enjoyed the surroundings. What do you think?

We are constantly surrounded by technology and have the need and desire to get the latest phone model. Does it really make you happy if you buy the iPhone 6? What I am trying to say is that people were happy before technology really developed. Honestly I think that technology can affect a persons' mental and physical health. Insomnia, aggression, obesity and depression are a few effects of constant use of technology.

So what can we all do to overcome this addiction? :

1. Before picking up any technological device say to yourself: "Do I really need to use it? Will it benefit me?"

2. Cut down the amount of time you use a device. I am going to give myself an hour max to do what I need to do with regularly breaks. I really don't need to spend so much time on my phone

3.  People seem to forget that there is a real world out there. Yes it might be scary but you have to enjoy what you have. Put that phone down and socialise with real-life people by going out for a meal or go for a walk in the park. Anything really to enjoy what really is there. Life is short. Enjoy every bit of it.

So there you have it. I hope I helped you realise that sometimes we don't always need to rely on technology

See you next time x

Saturday 29 June 2013

Live Pink Victoria's Secret- Crushed Berries Perfume Review

Hi there

It's been a long time since I last wrote a blog due to many reasons but now I am back and will be writing regularly! YES!

A couple of days ago I decided a long awaited shopping trip was needed. In one of my various shopping bags was a bottle of perfume from Victoria's Secret. I'll tell you that I have never been in this store before (I never really understood what was special about it) but I have to be honest that once you get in this store you never want to leave because it is beautiful! What made this store even better was that there was a MASSIVE SALE! I do love a sale ;)

From the sale I got myself a black Victoria's Secret Hoodie and a crushed berries scented perfume:

I love this perfume! This perfume definitely smells like summer! It is vibrant and young. It does not have a strong sweet smell which is perfect for me as I am not keen on really sweet smelling perfumes... they just hurt my head! I just love this scent, just the name of 'crushed berries' gets me excited about summer (I see myself relaxing by the pool or going on a camping adventure). It is sweet without being too sugary and it is light which is perfect for everyday use. Also I have to say that it is really fun and youthful.
Once I have finished the bottle I am definitely buying another!

Bye gals x

Friday 24 May 2013


The first time I walked into Abercrombie and Fitch, I knew that would be the last time as well. There was nothing special and all I could see were skinny teenage girls walking around and picking tacky t-shirts. I really didn’t see the “hype” about this clothes brand when people wore A&F hoodies. I’m sure you have read or heard Mike Jeffries comments (CEO of Abercrombie and Fitch) about the store’s refusal to sell any sizes bigger than a large and only wanting the “All-American kid with a great attitude and a lot of friends” to represent the brand. All I can say is have you seen what he looks like?!

Come on now, does this man own a mirror?

Many teenagers these days have issues with their weight and it is all down to the media. Magazines have pictures of celebrities and I have to say all of them are skinny. But that’s just a small percentage of the big wide world. It doesn’t matter what size you are; as long as you are happy and healthy that is all that counts. The best way to stand out is to stop trying to fit in. Wouldn’t it be boring walking down the street and everyone looks the same?

Why would you want to buy clothes from a shop that judges you by your looks when you walk in? We go after the cool kids," is what he quoted about the brand. "A lot of people don't belong, and they can't belong. Are we exclusionary? Absolutely." He may have ‘apologised’ but we know it wasn’t sincere.


Thursday 23 May 2013


It's normal for people to feel tired, be it studying for exams or waking up late. But when you have something to do, when you're tired all you want to do is sleep! That is not what you want!!
I know exactly this feeling and I know that this blog post will not only help students study for exams but also for people who just want to feel more awake in the morning. I have done many of these things and really think that it keeps me alert when needed.

1. Splash cold water on your face (minus the cat)

This has to be COLD water, not lukewarm. The cold water will make your face more sensitive and you will how awake you are afterwards. I have to say it's very refreshing too! Just do this a couple of times and you will feel perky afterwards.

2. Place spoons on your eyes

When you just want a "perk-me-up", place two metallic spoons in the freezer overnight. In the morning before you have to leave gently place the spoon over your eyelids. This is really refreshing and it definitely has a quicker effect than coffee! Simply press it on your eyes for at least 30 seconds.
3.  5 minute face mask
I have to say that this product is fantastic! Made from avocado and goji berry, you simply put the mask on your face for 5 minutes and then just wash it off. Once off, your skin feels fresh and smooth and you will feel more alert because you are looking and feeling beau-ti-ful!!
4. Fresh air
A change of scenary helps a gret deal in feeling less tired. Just walking in your back-garden or walking around your neighbourhood can make you feel awake by taking in fresh air. This is especially useful for students.
5. Crazy dancing
I love this method of staying awake!! I just put an upbeat song and just dance CRAZILY! Just make sure no one's around and just enjoy the moment of being you. By just moving you will feel very happy! If you've seen Easy A you will know how much energy you can actually get from one song!
So there you have it! My 5 easy ways of feeling more awake. I hope that helped you out.

Thursday 16 May 2013


I have to say when I read this on Twitter I was excited (and still am a little bit). I was lucky enough to seem them this year and would love to watch them again. The concert I went to was fantastic! 

However even though they announced this, there was backlash on Twitter ( #onebigdisappointment) because not all countries where fans lived were announced as a tour location. But I'm sure they will be announcing more tour dates across the globe later on. *Fingers crossed*

I'm also sure that many Directioners will be at their laptops ready when tickets become on sale!

You guys excited for another tour? I know I am!

p.s. I'd love it if you pressed the +1 button fellow directioners.


#onedirection #2014tour +OneDirection Fanpage Official 

Saturday 11 May 2013


Pictures have surfaced of Miley Cyrus smoking a cigarette and eating fast food. Articles have scrutinised her of straying from her usual healthy regime such as doing yoga and eating healthily. Why do they have to make a person who is just smoking a cigarette turn out to be a bad guy. If she wants to eat a burger then let her. We all eat fast food so why does it make a difference if she does? After all it's her life and whether she wants to smoke or eat a burger is her decision to make.  

However there are some dedicated fans of Miley Cyrus who see her as a role model. They must understand that everyone is different. You can copy your idol such as copying their look or their hairstyle but you should NEVER copy them smoking just because they are doing it. It’s like saying: “If they jumped off a bridge, would you?”
Miley Cyrus is a talented and beautiful person and just because she has lazy days (like everybody else in this world) doesn’t mean that she is going off the rails.
Thanks for reading

Wednesday 8 May 2013


Life is not like a movie.

Life is much more intense and it is hard to make the right decision when necessary. The main character of a film always has his/her bestfriend to count on in times of trouble.
But that's not always the case in real life. Us normal people deal with far more.

I believe that once you get older you face more problems; be it in a relationship, at home, at school etc. and you just want a friend to talk to and brighten your day knowing that everything will be alright.

Sometimes that is not always the case and it is hard to trust a person and knowing how they will react.... Do they understand what I am going through? Will they tell anyone?
I had a dilemna this week and all I wanted was to talk to a friend and feel better but in return they didn't see the "real" me and know straightway that something wasn't right. You must think that I don't have friends; I do (honest!) , but not that ONE friend to tell everything to. It's hard to know whether they will understand.

I believe that in times of trouble you will know who your true friends are and who you can trust in this world. I have definitely seen that. And once you know who they are, keep them close. However if you are feeling down and thinking that I have no one to talk to.... You do, they are just there in disguise. Your friends at school may not be the friends that you thought they would be but understand that this is a small part of your life and you will have many friends in YOUR future. It doesn't mean that people you meet will be your friends for life, you have your whole life infront of you to meet new people that understand 'you for you'.

So you may feel betrayed, lost or angry at people but understand that it WILL get better. Maybe not tomorrow, or the day after that, but it will. Trust. Life is all about dealing with different emotions and the way you deal with them. You don't have to please everyone, it is their loss for not wanting to know the real you. All of us in our lifetime will truly know who our true friends are when the time is right.

Have a beautiful day and smile


Monday 6 May 2013



Today I came across an "article" which stated that Ashton Kutcher and Mila Kunis looked glum during their vacation in Spain. In my opinion I'm sure they are having a lovely time in the sunshine but do you know why they look glum in the picture? It's because the paparrazi think that it is fine to follow people around everyday and to take pictures right infront of them. Of course they would look glum.

You can't make up a story saying that they are glum just because they are not enjoying the scenary, it is the paparazzi that are making them unhappy which doesn't make it a holiday to remember (in a good way).

I think that you should only take pictures of celebrities when necessary, such as at a flim premiere or a book signing.... Just don't take pictures on a normal day out. Isn't it enough that you see them on screen. Let them live their lives in peace and respect it.

Of course you will get paparrazi that will be there just to cause drama. Remember the dramatic encounter between Justin Bieber and the paparrazi outside the London Hotel? No wonder the boy lashed out because he felt uncomfortable.

You see here they want a picture! See the difference paps?!


This couple have worked hard to earn a living. It is necessary to give them space from time to time and relaxation to earn themselves a well deserved break! 
Yes I understand that without the paps people would not know a lot about their idols and it is their everyday job but their is a limit of how to treat others.
What are your opinions about how paparazzi treat celebs? Is it fair? Let me know your opinions below.
Thanks for reading!

Friday 3 May 2013


Heyy there!

This recipe is quick and fun to make. It is great baking fun when there is no such thing as a "diet" and just something to share with your friends.

This fab recipe comes the one and only Mary Berry! Her baking skills are amazing and I hope that if she saw these she would be amazed as much as I was when I made them ;) 

I changed the recipe slightly regarding of what I had in my kitchen but it really doesn't make a massive difference to the original recipe.


  • 200g of butter
  • 100g bar of milk chocolate
  • 200g of caster sugar
  • 4 medium eggs
  • 1/2 teaspoon of vanilla essence
  • 75g of plain flour
  • 25g of cocoa powder
  • 100g of your choice of extras: milk,dark,white chocolate pieces, walnuts etc.
  • A rectangular tin

  1. Preheat the oven to 180C/350F/Gas 4
  2. Cut your butter into small pieces and bash your chocolate into small pieces as well. You can bash your chocolate by keeping it in it's wrapper on a worktop. Place these two ingredients into a saucepan and set the pan on the lowest possible heat. By cutting/bashing the ingredients into smaller pieces allows them to melt quicker saving you time for best part.... eating. Stir the mixture every minute or so (don't let it burn!) until you have a smooth consistency of delicious chocolate. Place the saucepan on a heatproof worktop to be used later on.
  3. In a mixing bowl add the sugar and the eggs. You may use a wire whisk or an electric whisk to beat the ingredients. Do this for around 2 minutes until your mixture looks slightly frothy.
  4. Add your melted chocolate mixture to the mixing bowl and whisk it for another minute.
  5. Flour and cocoa powder is then sifted into the mixing bowl. You should stir this mixture with a wooden spoon.
  6. Add your vanilla essence and your favourite toppings. You should distribute them evenly.
  7. Pour the mixture into your prepared tin and make sure it is evenly spread out and that the mixture touches all sides of the tin to knock out pockets of air.
  8. Place the tin into the oven for 20 minutes. You can test if it is done by the skewer test. If there is still mixture on the skewer leave it in the oven for another 1-2 minutes... But no more that that!
  9. Feel free to lick the mixing bowl during this time... Actually you SHOULD lick the bowl, it is highly recommended.
  10. When it seems like there done, take them out of the oven and place them on a wire rack to cool down before cutting them into squares.

And so there you have it! They are so easy to make and it's sooo worth it. I normally keep them on the plate ( as seen in the picture) and place a plastic cover on top. But if you want you can store them in an airtight container and you can eat them within 5 days.
 The brownies I made contained brazil nut pieces and white chocolate (Milky Way) pieces. I honestly did not like the taste of the brazil nuts but others did. It may be that I am not a nutty fan and just like my brownies with chocolate pieces in them giving it a gooey texture. 
I loved baking these and they went down a treat!
See you next time

Friday 26 April 2013

Things that couples do that annoy me

Hey there wonderful people who are reading my blog right NOW!

How you doing?

Today I'd like to talk about people in relationships but the things that they do in public that just annoy me. Yes I'm sure that most people have normal relationships but there are a few exceptions.... So this is why I am here to tell you what couples do that annoy me!

1. The "I Like Your Face" Couple

So you like to go out with your boyfriend/girlfriend in public, that's great, but do you think that it is necessary to eat each other's faces in public?? Is that necessary... please for society go home and lock the door, NO ONE wants to see that. TRUST

2. The Slow Walking Couple

I have to say when you are in a rush it is not ideal to have two tortoises right in front of you. Why do slow couples walk soooo slowly together? Are they enjoying the scenary too much? Do they think that they are in a rom-com film where it's just the two of them? They just don't understand that there are people behind them who would like to get home before midnight.

3. The Inside Joke Couple

It isn't much fun listening to a joke that doesn't concern you. They will still tell you the inside joke and they will laugh and you're just there.... trying to laugh on the outside... but acutally crying inside.

4. The "We Need To Find You A Boyfriend/Girlfriend Because We Are SO Happy Together" Couple 

Is it just me but when your friend is in a relationship are in their own dream world they suddenly think that you are unhappy because you are not in a relationship yourself. They would just tell you "Aww why don't you have a boyfriend? It's ok we have someone in mind!" Ummmm no thanks, I'm single and ready for a pringle.

5. The "I Love My Boyfriend/Girlfriend So I Will Constantly Tweet About It" Couple

Fair enough you're in a relationship and tweet about how great of a person they are. Truly I am happy for you but when you tweet EVERYDAY it's either he/she is deliberately posting these tweets on your twitter account OR that you need to leave Twitter to stop updating your feelings about him/her to stop annoying innocent people. We really don't want to know every day how much you love them, just tell it to their faces. We believed you when you said you loved him/her the first time.

So I hope you enjoyed this blog post. I really am a happy person even after that rant haha

Have a lovely day


Sunday 21 April 2013

Revlon Nearly Naked Foundation Review


I have been using Revlon Nearly Naked Foundation for a week now and decided to review it for anyone who is considering to buy it. I usually use foundation products from Revlon but during a visit to my local drugstore I came across this foundation in the makeup section. I chose the Beige colour because it suited my skin tone and so I decided to try it.... There's no harm in trying right?!

I have to say this is the best foundation I have tried so far and is great for work, school etc to give you the natural "no makeup" look.


1. It gives me great coverage during the day and feels oh-so light on my face as if I am not wearing ANYTHING on. I usually use a foundation brush or a makeup cosmetic sponge when applying it on my face
 2. It doesn't feel greasy! This is fab because during the summer you really don't want an oily face. This is perfect.When I apply this foundation I put on powder on top which gives it a natural but soft-skin look!
3. It is not expensive to purchase.
4. Not a lot is needed to cover up blemishes. A small amount is needed and so it lasts for a long time.
5. You don't get that blotchy look when you apply it compared to other foundations.

There is only one thing that could be improved but to be honest it wouldn't make a big difference: 
This foundation does not have a pump; only screw open the lid and pour it out carefully out onto the palm of your hands or on a makeup brush.

So there you go! My review for the Revlon Nearly Naked Foundation. It is a GREAT product and has not let me down at all. It gives me such a natural look when going out and I feel
good when wearing it.

Feel free to ask me any questions about this product down below in the comment section. If you've read this far please +1 it... it would help me out so much!

Bye and thanks for reading girlies